Placeholder for Tomaat (trostomaat) 3Tomaat (trostomaat) 3

Cooperation day trade ZON and Harvest House

Both cooperatives have agreed to enter into a partnership as of March 24 for the sale of vine tomatoes to the ZON clock.

Optimising day trading results

This joining of forces means that both cooperatives are together able to serve the market optimally. This fits in with the aim of both organizations to optimise the results of day trading in the Netherlands.

Last year, ZON invested in the newest and most modern clock system (including home buying system) called KOSMOS and is opening up its digital auction clock as a platform to collaborate with other organizations.

Placeholder for 2022 0421 Klokklanten afmijnzaal 132022 0421 Klokklanten afmijnzaal 13
This is how we grow step by step into a digital platform for day trading
John Willems
Managing Director ZON
Placeholder for Mark Oerlemans trostomaat 25Mark Oerlemans trostomaat 25