Welcome to ZON!

ZON offers customised and personal support when connecting the growers to ZON buyers.

  • Facilitating role ZON
    ZON facilitates you in a range of supporting activities such as logistics, packaging, quality assurance and marketing.
  • Personal contact with a Product Manager
    The Product Manager always acts in your interest and supports you in determining the sales strategy.
  • Everything revolves around growth
    We help our growers to grow and always strive for better.
Placeholder for Hendrix Rasing aardbeien 3Hendrix Rasing aardbeien 3
Het telen van aardbeien blijft je uitdagen, geen dag is hetzelfde en dat houdt het interessant.
Teler bij ZON
Geert Rasing

Join ZON

Placeholder for Paprikas in ZLC 5Paprikas in ZLC 5

Become a member of ZON and feel welcome at cooperative of passionate growers and employees who get everything for you from the market.

  • Sharing knowledge with other growers
  • The best possible price for your product
  • A competitive commission
Placeholder for Roy Houben savooie kool 28Roy Houben savooie kool 28
Contract agreements
Contract agreements

Well organized own sales and still looking for the sales tool for the sale of your products?

  • Use the latest possibilities of the digital platform for day trading
  • Fixed agreements about the product to be delivered
  • A fair and good price
  • Certainty about product purchase
Placeholder for William Ton en John Vergeldt prei en ijsbergsla 25William Ton en John Vergeldt prei en ijsbergsla 25

Your personal Product Manager

  • Is ready for you
    Each Product Manager is responsible for various products. You are supported throughout the entire sales process by your personal Product Manager.
  • Always acts based on your interest
    In consultation with the Product Manager, you go as a grower for the auction clock via our digital platform for day trading or direct sales at customers from various segments. A combination is also possible. We examine together with you what the best fit is for you.

We help growers

ZON facilitates growers in their entrepreneurship by ensuring that the products are sold in a decisive and customer-oriented manner.
Placeholder for Kantoor ZON 11Kantoor ZON 11
Optimal pricing through choices in the sales strategy
Placeholder for Paprika (rood/groen)Paprika (rood/groen)
Advice and guidance with AGF-certificeringen
Placeholder for Asperges Salade met gegrilde asperges avocado en mozarellaAsperges Salade met gegrilde asperges avocado en mozarella
New sales markets
Placeholder for Rode paprika sorteren 6Rode paprika sorteren 6
Delivering top quality
Placeholder for Dirk Smeets asperges 1 voorkeurDirk Smeets asperges 1 voorkeur
Ich bin mit den Dienstleistungen von ZON zufrieden, einschließlich der Möglichkeiten, mitzudenken.
Teler bij ZON
Dirk Smeets

Large assortment of daily fresh products

Placeholder for Aubergine in kas 1Aubergine in kas 1

Beautiful shiny fruit available in different colors

Placeholder for Augurk 1Augurk 1

Tasty, fresh flavor enhancers

Placeholder for Courgettes 2Courgettes 2
Zucchini green

From the greenhouse or open ground to ZON

Placeholder for KomkommerKomkommer

Cut fresh from the plant for you

Placeholder for Anthonie teeuwen 23Anthonie teeuwen 23
Bell pepper

Top quality glossy peppers

Placeholder for 2015 0325 Ronde tomaat kas2015 0325 Ronde tomaat kas
Tomatoes round

The most common tomato

Placeholder for Asperges 2Asperges 2

Daily fresh at ZON

Placeholder for BrocolliBrocolli

Crispy, fresh with a mild cabbage flavor

Placeholder for Knolselderij 4Knolselderij 4

Sturdy tuber of the celery plant, straight from the land

Placeholder for Pastinaak 2Pastinaak 2

Sweet and nutty

Placeholder for Bospeen 3Bospeen 3

Crispy and sweet

Placeholder for Pompoen 3Pompoen 3

Cucumber and melon family

Placeholder for Prei 3Prei 3

Beautiful shiny stems and freshly harvested

Placeholder for Rabarber (tunnel)Rabarber (tunnel)

Processed it looks like fruit, but it is really a vegetable

Placeholder for Spruiten 1Spruiten 1

Mild-bitter cabbage flavor

Placeholder for Radijs 1Radijs 1

Crisp and fresh

Placeholder for SchorsenerenSchorseneren

Lightly sweet and nutty

Placeholder for Twan Swinkels suikermaïs 30Twan Swinkels suikermaïs 30

Sweet and versatile

Placeholder for Venkel 1Venkel 1

The taste is similar to that of anise

Placeholder for Witlof 2Witlof 2

Crunchy texture

Placeholder for Roodlof 1Roodlof 1
Red chicory

Beautiful color

Placeholder for Peulen aan de plantPeulen aan de plant
Pea Pods

Fresh, sweet taste

Placeholder for Aardbei 2Aardbei 2

Delicious sweet taste

Placeholder for Sperziebonen 1140x855Sperziebonen 1140x855
Green beans

Dutch quality product

Placeholder for Witte kool 1Witte kool 1
White cabbage

Available fresh and with a long shelf life

Placeholder for Harry Thijssen sla 19Harry Thijssen sla 19

Fresh green with soft leaves

Placeholder for Groene asperges 3Groene asperges 3
Asparagus green

Short chain, always fresh

Placeholder for Tuinbonen 1Tuinbonen 1
Broad beans

Shiny fresh broad beans, direct from our growers

Placeholder for Courgettes (geel) 1Courgettes (geel) 1
Zucchini yellow

Fresh neutral taste and firm flesh

Placeholder for Spitskool 4Spitskool 4
Pointed cabbage

Cooking, stewing, braising and stir-frying

Placeholder for Roy Houben savooie kool 10Roy Houben savooie kool 10

Beautiful decorative leaves

Placeholder for Boerenkool 2Boerenkool 2

Spicier than black kale

Placeholder for Bloemkool 2Bloemkool 2

Mild, accessible flavor

Placeholder for Chinese kool 2Chinese kool 2
Chinese cabbage

Crunchy and slightly sweet taste

Placeholder for Koolrabi 1Koolrabi 1

Spicier than cauliflower

Placeholder for RomanescoRomanesco

Mild and nutty

Placeholder for 2016 0505 So Unique 12016 0505 So Unique 1
So Unique pepper

Quality is at a high level

Placeholder for Snackpaprika's oranje - roodSnackpaprika's oranje - rood
Snack pepper

Small, sweet and crunchy

Placeholder for Zoete punt paprika WesterscheldeZoete punt paprika Westerschelde
Sweet pointed pepper

Particularly sweet with a thinner skin than regular peppers

Placeholder for Mini komkommersMini komkommers
Mini cucumbers

Crunchy and a fresh green color

Placeholder for Kaay red vine 39Kaay red vine 39
Vine tomato medium Red Vine

Translation to English: Deep red color and a firm, green stem

Placeholder for Tomaat (snijtomaat)Tomaat (snijtomaat)
Slice tomato Intense

Firm core with lots of pulp

Placeholder for Coeur de Boeuf in kistjeCoeur de Boeuf in kistje
Coeur de Boeuf

Heart-shaped, ribbed, with firm flesh

Placeholder for Tomaat (Tasty Tom) 2Tomaat (Tasty Tom) 2
Tasty Tom

Sweet and aromatic taste

Placeholder for Grand Vine vd Kaaij 1Grand Vine vd Kaaij 1
Vine tomato coarse Grand Vine

Deep red color with a firm, green stem

Placeholder for William Ton en John Vergeldt prei en ijsbergsla 19William Ton en John Vergeldt prei en ijsbergsla 19
Iceberg lettuce

Crispy and long-lasting

Placeholder for Pepers in de kas 15Pepers in de kas 15

Red and green peppers for spice

Placeholder for EikebladslaEikebladsla
Oak leaf lettuce

Soft and nutty

Placeholder for Marcus Janssen 4Marcus Janssen 4
Lollo Bionda

Decorative green leaves

Placeholder for Lollo rossaLollo rossa
Lollo Rosso

Beautiful curled leaves

Placeholder for Rettich ernte 1024x683Rettich ernte 1024x683

Also called daikon (Japanese radish)

Placeholder for Bleek groen selderijBleek groen selderij

Fresh young, light green stalks of the celery plant

Placeholder for Snijbonen in de kas 5Snijbonen in de kas 5
String bean

Firm, fresh and green in color, wonderfully fresh

Placeholder for Kamma andijvie 4Kamma andijvie 4

Green leafy vegetables with a slightly bitter taste

Placeholder for Palmkool op veld 5Palmkool op veld 5
Palm cabbage

Refined taste, beautiful foliage

Placeholder for Rode bessen in veld 2Rode bessen in veld 2

Sour to sweet-sour taste

Placeholder for Marcus Janssen Romana Sla 12Marcus Janssen Romana Sla 12
Romana lettuce

Sturdy leaves

Placeholder for Umami 2Umami 2

Crunchy with delicious taste

Placeholder for San Marzano 3 kopieSan Marzano 3 kopie
San Marzano

Elongated, spicy tomato

Placeholder for Erwin Theeuwen trostomaat 3Erwin Theeuwen trostomaat 3
Vine tomato

Full, fresh sweet taste

Placeholder for Eryngii propertiesEryngii properties

Slightly spicy

Placeholder for Ger coenen prei 3Ger coenen prei 3
I have complete confidence in the way in which ZON organizes sales and the way in which the Product Managers work.
Grower at ZON
Ger Coenen

SIG&F recognized

ZON has been a SIG&F-recognized producer organization since January 2022. This gives ZON and its members the opportunity to make use of the benefits associated with this. A number of possibilities for actions and investments that qualify for SIG&F:

  • Sustainable energy & cultivation
  • Nutrients and waste
  • Movable property
  • Immovable property
Placeholder for Kantoor ZON 20Kantoor ZON 20

Benefits cooperative

  • Cooperative means together
    Collaborating and sharing knowledge within the cooperative is important. At ZON we jointly strive for sustainable growth.
  • Facilitating role towards grower
    ZON facilitates the grower with a wide range of support activities. The grower can also use the expertise within ZON and other affiliated growers.
  • Participation of the members
    At ZON, members are actively involved in policy. Participation by the members therefore forms the basis of cooperative entrepreneurship.

More than 100 years ZON


Founded in 1915 and one of Europe's largest growers cooperatives.


Approximately 115 growers, greenhouse horticulture and open ground.


Wide range of fruit & vegetables fresh from the grower.

Join ZON

Get to know more about the possibilities

More information about a membership? Fill in the form below and we will contact you.

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