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Quality Assurance

Check of certifications, use of plant protection products and other legal quality requirements
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Certifications ZON

Quality Assurance implements ZON's residue and micro-monitoring plan. This plan, which includes all supply and which is based on a risk analysis, is assessed and certified annually by a certifying body for GlobalG.A.P. ZON growers automatically comply with the GLOBALG.A.P. by participating in this plan. residue monitoring requirements.

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Check of certifications

Quality Assurance at ZON

  • Specialists in food safety
    Reliable food safety is important for all links in the chain. That is why ZON has a Quality Assurance department that specializes in food safety systems and residue and micro monitoring.
  • Meet all requirements
    ZON works with you to ensure that the product meets all the requirements that your organization needs.
  • Coordination with all partners
    In order to fulfill non-statutory customer requirements, the QA department seeks coordination between the Sales department, the grower and the customer with regard to the possibilities.

Certifications at ZON

Get in touch with a Quality Assurance specialist

Would you like to know more about food safety within ZON?

Food safety is very importance at ZON.

Danny Jentjens

Team leader QA/QC

T: 06-53843762

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ZON's quality control checks for all standard certifications and European standards.
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Become a buyer at ZON

  • Best quality
    At ZON, the quality of the product is the most important. Under the supervision of a specialised inspection team, the quality, color and size of the products are examined, among other things.
  • Winter months
    The range offered is supplemented during the winter months with produce from Spain, Morocco and Turkey. . That's why you can contact ZON all year round.
  • Customised purchasing
    At ZON you can purchase products through the various purchasing channels. You choose the channel that suits you best.

More than 100 years ZON


Founded in 1915 and one of Europe's largest growers cooperatives.


Approximately 115 growers, greenhouse horticulture and open ground.


Wide range of fruit & vegetables fresh from the grower.

More ZON

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The purchased products are sorted and packaged at ZON