Do you have a question as a ZON buyer or grower? Then view the frequently asked questions and find the answer you are looking for. Is your question not listed?
- I have lost my login codes for the buyer portal Z-online, who can help me?
Contact the auction team, please - I cannot print the overview "What did I buy?" in Z-online.
Clearing Google Chrome history usually make it work again. Otherwise you can contact the auction team. - I can't login to Webclock, ZON's remote selling system, what should I do?
Contact the auction team, please. - Webclock, ZON's remote selling system, is not working for me, what can I do?
First, restart your computer. If Webclock still doesn't work, please contact us. - I can't hear the auctioneer while using Webclock, ZON's remote selling system?
Contact the auction team, please.
- Where can I report a complaint about a purchased product?
You can report the complaint by clicking the button on the left. Describe the complaint and attach photos of the product in question and photos of the sticker or box tag. The procedure for complaints about delivered products can be found in the buyer portal Z-online under "General/Complaints".
- Can I see for myself how many purchased pallets I can still return to ZON?
Yes, this is possible via the buyer portal Z-online. Then go to "Billing and Sales". Here you will find the option "Hand in pallets" with the current balance. - I would like to hand over and settle EPS packaging via ZON, is that possible?
Yes, email us by clicking the button on the left and we will then request a customer number for you from EPS. We will inform you about the further process.
- I need the phone number of a ZON employee. Where can I find these?
You can find the telephone list for ZON employees in the Z-online buyers' portal. - Where can I find information about the surcharges per collo?
These surcharges per package can be found in the buyer's portal Z-online under "Invoice and sale/Standard surcharges per package" - I want to change the email addresses for receiving Global Supply, Clockwise or Circulars. How do I set this?
You can make this adjustment yourself in Z-online under “General/Email addresses”. - I have questions about the Global Supply I receive daily via email?
You can contact the auction clock team for this. - I am interested in buying from ZON via the auction clock, where do I register?
Leave your details at the bottom of this page and we will get in touch with you.

Join ZON
Get in touch with the auction clock team
More information about clock sales at ZON? Fill in the form below and we will contact you.
Door het bovenstaande formulier in te vullen en te verzenden gaat u akkoord met onze privacy policy. Wij zullen uw persoonlijke data volgens onze privacy- en veiligheidsrichtlijnen zorgvuldig opslaan, beheren en enkel gebruiken om u te voorzien van meer informatie.
- I want to order stickers, labels or index cards. How do I do that?
For this you can contact the company Dutch Graphic Group in Venlo. You can not order these from ZON. - I would like to order disposable packaging. How do I do that?
You do this via Z-online under "ZON disposable packaging". If the packaging you require is not listed, please send an email to by clicking on the contact button on the left.
- Can I decide for myself whether my packaging will be charged to a separate packaging account?
Yes, that is possible. Register via Z-online. Go to “Notaplanning” and click YES. - Can I set the billing date myself?
Yes, that is possible. By default, this is Saturday, but Monday through Thursday are also an option. You can set this via Z-online. Log in and then go to 'Notaplanning'. Here you can specify on which day you would like to be billed and whether you would like to be billed separately for the packaging.
- I will grow another/new product. What do I have to do for it?
You need to fill out a form with the product you want to grow and the production plan for that product. Send an email to the Cooperative Affairs team by clicking the button below and we will be in touch. Note: You also need a valid GlobalGap certificate for a new product to be grown. Please contact Quality Assurance for this. - Due to circumstances I am stopping the delivery of a product during the season. Do you want me to pass this on to you?
Yes, it is very important that you inform us on time. For our sale to customers or delivery to the auction clock, but also for our internal organization, we want to know if something changes in your delivery. Please contact the cooperative affairs team. - Can I set the billing date myself?
Yes, that is possible. By default, this is Saturday, but Monday through Thursday are also an option. You can set this via Z-online. Log in and then go to 'Nota Planning'. Here you can indicate on which day you would like to be billed and whether you would like to be billed separately for the packaging.

Join ZON
Get in touch with the Cooperative Affairs department
Questions about your membership or do you want to sell your products via ZON?
Door het bovenstaande formulier in te vullen en te verzenden gaat u akkoord met onze privacy policy. Wij zullen uw persoonlijke data volgens onze privacy- en veiligheidsrichtlijnen zorgvuldig opslaan, beheren en enkel gebruiken om u te voorzien van meer informatie.