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History ZON

Predicate Royal

ZON has now been in existence for 110 years. In 2015, ZON received the designation Royal. That was a special day in the rich history of the cooperative.

Placeholder for Afmijnzaal met tonen productAfmijnzaal met tonen product

In 1915 the Coöperatieve Veiling Vereniging (CVV) was founded and in 1946 the auctions CVV and VVV merged. They will continue together under the name CVV. In 1959 former VVV'ers split off from the CVV and continue under the name VGV, the Venlo Vegetable Auction.

Placeholder for VeilmeestersVeilmeesters
100 million turnover

The year 1970 will go down in history as the year in which the CVV was the first auction in the Netherlands to achieve a turnover of 100 million guilders. Finally, there was a merger in 1990; CVV and VGV will continue together as Veiling ZON (Cooperative Auction Southeast Netherlands).

Placeholder for 2008 0609 Vlaggen Fresh Park Venlo IMG 02282008 0609 Vlaggen Fresh Park Venlo IMG 0228

In the year 2000 the ZON Fresh Park concept was launched and in 2002 the flowers and plants activities were terminated. In 2008 it was decided to change the name ZON Fresh Park to Fresh Park Venlo. The acquisition of Sun Berry International and Blueberryworld will take place in 2010.

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The crown

As the crowning glory of the work, ZON received the designation Royal in 2015. In 2018, the activities of Sun Berry International were integrated into ZON fruit & vegetables. Coöperatie ZON sells buildings and development rights at Fresh Park Venlo to real estate developer Hines.