Digital platform
Sale via the clock auction
- New auction system KOSMOS
In order to make the clock future-proof, ZON switched in March 2022 to a new clock system (including home buying system) called KOSMOS, the real-time, web-based sales and information platform. - Best Payout Prices
Day trading at ZON mainly takes place via clock sales. Prices are driven by the supply and demand in the market. - Transparent sales too
The ZON clock is known as a transparent sales tool. It ensures a good balance between supply and demand and a fair price. On an annual basis, ZON has approximately 300 buyers who buy products through our digital platform. - Wide and reliable volume
ZON provides a reliable and wide assortiment every day. Supplemented in the winter months with products from Spanish cooperatives, with which ZON cooperates.
Get in touch with the auction clock team
More information about clock sales at ZON? Fill in the form below and we will contact you.
The clock is a transparent and unique sales tool.
New possibilities
Auction system KOSMOS
With the new clock system, ZON is the first vegetable auction in the Benelux to use a new generation of options. KOSMOS is a Cloud application, so no software needs to be installed. The coming years will be dominated by further development of the system in order to continue to connect with ZON's buyers and growers.
I deliberately opted for clock sales and I am now a fan of the clock.Grower at ZON
Financial security
At ZON, payment is always made within 12 days after billing.
Since January 2022, ZON has had a SIG&F certification. Because ZON has this recognition, as a grower you can register activities and investments at your own cultivation company for the SIG&F programme.
Within ZON, agreements are the same for everyone within the various product groups. In addition, there is transparent communication about the costs.
Join ZON
Become a member of ZON and feel welcome at cooperative of passionate growers and employees who get everything for you from the market.
- Sharing knowledge with other growers
- The best possible price for your product
- A competitive commission
Well organized own sales and still looking for the sales tool for the sale of your products?
- Use the latest possibilities of the digital platform for day trading
- Fixed agreements about the product to be delivered
- A fair and good price
- Certainty about product purchase
Sustainability and certifications
The Quality Assurance department is specialised in food safety systems and residue and micro monitoring.
ZON can advise on all fruit and vegetable certifications and also assist in obtaining and maintaining the certifications.
The Quality Assurance team consists of experienced advisors and works for both the affiliated cultivation companies and for their own organization. ZON is certified for BRC, IFS, QS, RIK, BIO and On the way to PlanetProof.