Placeholder for Rode paprika sorteren 3Rode paprika sorteren 3

Quality Assurance

Control and guidance on certifications, use of plant protection products and other legal quality requirements.
Placeholder for Spitskool (veld) 2Spitskool (veld) 2

Certifications ZON

Quality Assurance implements ZON's residue and micro-monitoring plan. This plan, which includes all supply and which is based on a risk analysis, is assessed and certified annually by a certifying body for GlobalG.A.P. ZON growers automatically comply with the GLOBALG.A.P. by participating in this plan. residue monitoring requirements.

Placeholder for ZLC dynamiek op de werkvloer 3ZLC dynamiek op de werkvloer 3

What can Quality Assurance do for you?

  • Specialists in food safety
    Reliable food safety is important for all links in the chain. That is why ZON has a Quality Assurance department that specializes in food safety systems and residue and micro monitoring.
  • Advise, obtain and maintain
    ZON can advise on all fruit and vegetable certifications and also assist in obtaining and maintaining the certifications.
  • Schakel tussen de verschillende partijen
    In order to fulfill non-statutory customer requirements, the Quality Assurance department seeks coordination between the Sales department, the grower and the customer with regard to the possibilities.

Certifications at ZON

Get in touch with a Quality Assurance specialist

Would you like to know more about food safety within ZON?

Food safety is important at ZON.

Danny Jentjens

Team leader QA/QC

T: 06-53843762

Placeholder for 2016300 Ortolanda Fotografie Oude Tonge HIGHRES DSC7342 201607152016300 Ortolanda Fotografie Oude Tonge HIGHRES DSC7342 20160715
ZON's quality control checks for all standard certifications and European standards.

ZON realizes the best price for you

Auction clock for day trayding

Real-time prices at the auction instrument, driven by supply and demand in the market.


Do you opt for selling via a permanent contract? Prices are set in consultation with you.

Power of the cooperative

Selling product via ZON means low costs and competitive commission.

Placeholder for Kantoor ZON 20Kantoor ZON 20

Benefits cooperative

  • Cooperative means together
    Collaborating and sharing knowledge within the cooperative is important. At ZON we jointly strive for sustainable growth.
  • Facilitating role towards grower
    ZON facilitates the grower with a wide range of support activities. The grower can also use the expertise within ZON and other affiliated growers.
  • Participation of the members
    At ZON, members are actively involved in policy. Participation by the members therefore forms the basis of cooperative entrepreneurship.
More ZON

More services for growers

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Delivering top quality
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Optimal pricing through choices in the sales strategy
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Cooperative thinking is central to ZON
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ZON is ready to facilitate the transport of your products