Placeholder for Harry Thijssen sla 19Harry Thijssen sla 19


Optimized sales channel with personal guidance

Benefits for growers

Personal contact and guidance

The responsible Product Manager supports you throughout the sales process.

Support in choosing the right sales strategy

As a grower, you can choose account sales, clock sales, mediation or a combination in consultation with the Product Manager.

Large sales market for the products

Large sales market throughout Europe with an important focus on the Netherlands and Germany. About 17 million German consumers within an hour's drive.

Placeholder for Savooiekool HoubenSavooiekool Houben
Sales products

ZON sales channels

  • THE transparent auction instrument for day trading.
    The auction based on the clock takes place through our modern KOSMOS auction system (including the home-buying system) and is THE auction instrument for day trading. The range offered is supplemented during the winter months with products from Spain, Morocco and Turkey.
  • Direct delivery to customers
    ZON recognises commercial opportunities and translates these into required plans between growers and customers from various segments.
  • Combination
    A combination is possible at ZON. We examine together with you what the best marketing strategy is.

Get in touch with the Sales department

Want to know more about what ZON can do for you? Then make an appointment with one of the Product Managers.

Placeholder for Wouter WillemsWouter Willems
It is important to always act in the interests of the grower.
Placeholder for VerberneVerberne
Monitoring the sales strategy on a daily, weekly or seasonal basis and adjusting it if necessary is ideal for me.
Grower at ZON
Peter Verberne
Placeholder for 2022 0421 Klokklanten afmijnzaal 132022 0421 Klokklanten afmijnzaal 13

Clock system KOSMOS

With the new clock system, ZON is the first vegetable auction in the Benelux to use a new generation of options. KOSMOS is a Cloud application, so no software needs to be installed. The coming years will be dominated by further development of the system in order to continue to connect with ZON's buyers and growers.

Placeholder for Roodlof 3Roodlof 3

Support from the Business Office

  • Help with questions about your invoice
    As a grower, you can contact the Business Office for questions about your settlement.
  • Settlement of any possible complaints
    Complaints are registered and handled within the Business Office.
  • Correct information shown on your invoice
    The Business Office ensures that the costs and revenues are correctly reflected on your invoice.

Join ZON

Placeholder for Paprikas in ZLC 5Paprikas in ZLC 5

Become a member of ZON and feel welcome at cooperative of passionate growers and employees who get everything for you from the market.

  • Sharing knowledge with other growers
  • The best possible price for your product
  • A competitive commission
Placeholder for Roy Houben savooie kool 28Roy Houben savooie kool 28
Contract agreements
Contract agreements

Well organized own sales and still looking for the sales tool for the sale of your products?

  • Use the latest possibilities of the digital platform for day trading
  • Fixed agreements about the product to be delivered
  • A fair and good price
  • Certainty about product purchase
Meer ZON

Other services for growers

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New sales markets