To inform you better about products that are being auctioned, we will now show standard photos of the items to be auctioned. Currently, photos are not yet available for all items, but this will be supplemented continuously. Soon, growers of products that are auctioned in the name of the grower will also have the option to show up-to-date photos of their products. This roll-out for growers will take place during the coming months. The photos will then be shown at different places: in the Current Catalogue, on the Supply Monitor in the Webclock and on the Purchase Screen of the Webclock. Current Catalogue A link has been included for a while in the daily email with the Global Supply: Catalogue:
You will be referred to the Current Catalogue of the relevant supply through this link. The Current Catalogue is a more extensive variant as a PDF file of the well-known overview with the Global Supply. If you click a batch number, you will see more extensive information about the relevant item such as the auction unit, packaging, pallet, pallet load and additional fee per package. In addition, one or more photos are shown if these photos are available. See the figures below.