In this newsletter, we’re excited to tell you about the latest developments at ZON, and about two interesting events that are coming up. You can register now for our Buyer and Grower Day on 13 March. ZON will also be at the Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin, the perfect place to discover the latest innovations in the industry and make valuable connections.

Read more below!

Buyer and Grower Day 2025

Following the success of our two previous events, we are thrilled to invite you to our third Buyer and Grower Day, at which climate expert Reinier van den Berg will provide valuable insights into the impact of climate change on our industry.
This is the perfect opportunity to connect with peers, share knowledge and strengthen partnerships.

Will we see you on 13 March?

More information and registration

ZON at Fruit Logistica 2025!

This year, ZON will be returning to the international Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin, the leading event for the fruit and vegetable industry.

We look forward to welcoming our current partners and building new relationships. Curious about how ZON connects the supply chain and creates value? Visit us at the Dutch Pavilion, Hall 3.2, Stand B-21.

📍 Location: Messedamm 22, Berlin
📅 Date: 5, 6 and 7 February 2025

ZON’s services

Did you know that, in addition to selling our growers’ produce, ZON also offers a wide range of services?

Quality Assurance
Reliable food safety is important for all links in the chain. That is why ZON has a Quality Assurance department that specializes in food safety systems and residue and micro monitoring.

Sorting & Packaging
Do you require assistance with sorting and packaging your produce? ZON is here to help you. We’ve established specialised processes, particularly for sweet peppers and asparagus, but we also offer solutions for other fresh produce.

Transport & Logistics
ZON can take the lead in the logistics process. We ensure your produce is delivered on time, wherever it is needed, across Europe and intercontinentally.

More information

Add or modify email addresses

Did you know you can easily add or update your email addresses in Z-online? This ensures you’ll receive Circulars, Clockwise, and our monthly newsletter.

Simply go to the General menu and select Email addresses to make any changes.

Auction order and supply and sales calendar

Click the buttons below to view the auction schedule and the Supply and Sales Calendar 2025.

Customer at ZON

A partnership of almost 40 years: Frankort & Koning and ZON

Follow ZON on other channels


If you have any questions about the above information, please send an email to the address below.

Volg ons op social media
Venrayseweg 102, 5928 RH Venlo
Bel: +31 (0)77 - 323 99 99

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