Expansion of the availability of photos

We told you about the availability of standard photos of products to be auctioned in the Clockwise issue of December 2023.

Currently, photos are not yet available for all items, but they are being supplemented continuously.

As from now, growers of products that are auctioned in the name of the grower (referred to as single-grower products) and growers of what is referred to as mixed-grower products, regarding which there will only be 1 "provider", will also have the option to show up-to-date photos of their products. The photos can be viewed at different places: in the daily email with the Current Catalogue and on the Supply Monitor and the purchasing screen of the WebClock (KOSMOS).

Three current photos can be displayed for each batch. These photos can also be provided with a short text in due course.

The objective of these photos is to give you the best and most real image of the product that is possible. No rights can be derived from these photos.

If you have any questions due to the above information, contact the Clock Team. Tel: 00-31 77 323 9759 or Email: klokteam@royalzon.com.

Information service per text messages

We would like to correctly inform you when there are issues with the auction clock. Currently, we inform clock buyers through the Newsletter in the WebClock or, if you do not have access to the WebClock due to a fault, through a text message.

If you would like to receive text messages with information about internet outages, faults to the ZON clock system or clock-related systems, send an email to klokteam@royalzon.com and include your name, company and mobile phone number and we will add you to the mailing list.

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Bel: +31 (0)77 - 323 99 99

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