Supply start of various lettuce varieties

As from …. (date), ZON is starting with the auction clock for various lettuce varieties from Beckedorf Frischgemüse from Reinbek/Hamburg (Germany).

Beckedorf Frisch-Gemüse

Beckedorf is a family-run business currently involving the third generation. They are growing a wide selection of open field lettuce varieties large scale on the light soils of Reinbek/Hamburg. This means that they cultivate and harvest under all types of weather conditions. Due to the Northern location, the lettuce grows slowly and therefore it is firm, crunchy and has a long shelf life.

Supply and packaging

The lettuce varieties will be supplied in EPS green folding trays and/or boxes on …. pallets.

We will inform you about the current supply in due course through our newsletter via the Webclock.

Surcharges per package

You can find an overview of the current surcharges per package in ZON's buyers' portal at Z-online under 'Standard surcharges per package'.


If you have any questions due to the above information, please contact the Clock Team.

Tel: 00-31 77 323 9759

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