Import season at ZON kicks off

We would like to inform you about the developments around import products for the clock sales.

Supply of Spanish products

Supplies of Moroccan string beans became available a few weeks ago. The supply of Moroccan/Spanish cherry tomatoes also started this week.

In the second half of next week, supplies of Spanish courgettes, plum tomatoes and aubergines will become available. Supplies of Spanish products will then be further extended as of week 44, depending on the supply of the relevant Dutch products and, of course, the availability of the Spanish products.

Various auctions are currently underway to further broaden the suppliers and range of products from the Spanish regions Murcia and Almeria and from Morocco. When we know more, we will let you know promptly through the newsletter in the Webclock.

In the tomato segment, we will expand the supply of brands per supplier next season.

We will try to have other products delivered in the ZON boxes as much as possible. The Global supply information and the Webclock indicate the type of box used for the product.

Points of attention
  • ZON will continue to maintain a 20% tolerance for variegation in green Spanish peppers next season.
  • Also next season, Spanish products will be auctioned in the relevant product blocks after the auction of Dutch products.


ZON considers it very important that the products auctioned are high-quality, fresh, and sourced directly from cooperatives/growers in Spain. Next season, inspections in Almeria will again be carried out by a local quality controller in collaboration with ZON's quality controller in Venlo to guarantee the quality of the products.

Supply of Turkish vine tomatoes

During November/December, P. Seelen Grubbenvorst BV will start auctioning vine tomatoes from Turkey again.

Surcharges per package

You can find an overview of the current surcharges per package of import products in ZON's buyers' portal at Z-online under 'Standard surcharges per package'.


If you have any requirements or questions about the supply of Spanish products, please get in touch with Els van Herpen.

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Venrayseweg 102, 5928 RH Venlo
Bel: +31 (0)77 - 323 99 99

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